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Why We Need To Make Instagram Ads

Assalam O Alaikum Friends, in this tutorial we will see how we can make an Instagram ad in photoshop. Usually, we have made Instagram ads for followers. Instagram is the best platform for advertisement. We get followers and then run ads on our profile that impact the people too but the things that are seeing in the ads. Most people follow film stars, singers, artists, and follow their habits that is why they advertise the products in their pictures, in their videos. Instagram advertisement is the most effective way to grab the attention of the audience. Some people make Instagram ad tutorials for their products to make the sale better. Some people also use Instagram ads for business purposes.in this video. the best way to show your ads to your audience to put Instagram post adds to the story because every person looks at the stories first he open the Instagram or any other platform like Facebook, Whatsapp, and Tiktok. Instagram post advertising is a very effective way to reach the audience. Because when people see the post the look that who is posting. if the post is his/her favorite person then they try to follow them.so here today we will make an ad for the Instagram story.

Best Ads Requirements

When we are talking about the best ad on Instagram then firstly we should know, we are making an ad for what purpose, We should know about our target audience.what is our selected region that will see ads, and what are the people, it is mean they are girls or boys, men or women and how old they are?. This information we should know before making the ads for Instagram. Then secondly you should choose the best template or design. The template should be simple and eye-catchy having more attraction to the people Because of the simple banner containing limited information but that information having worth so you should be precise. As must contain the company name or logo and tagline. But the products should be visible clarity.and your store address or social media profile must be mentioned in the ad it will help people to reach you easily.

Let's Make

Open Your Photoshop.

Take New file go to file new or press CTRL+N.

Take file size: 720X1280 this mobile interface size and name whatever you want.

Go to fill adjustment layer and tale gradient color values codes are (Blue: 6231db Yellow: ffbc23)

Now Place your picture above the gradient layer and press Enter. Then right-click on the picture and make it create a clipping mask.

Now take the text tool and type HOT size of the text will be the 250 px and the font that we are using is source sans pro (Bold) and wide it to 110 px.

Then take another copy of the HOT text layer and named it MEAL now the size will be 180px and other things will be the same.

Make a group of the HOT and MEAL text and take another picture above that group and make it clipping mask by right click on that picture.

Now go to the Fx panel and add some effects the effects values are shown in the picture below. But first group the clipping pic and text group.

Add the same gradient that we add before and but this time opacity of that layer will be 20%.

Now add social media icons at the right bottom corner. make a small rectangle under the social media icons.


Source Sans Pro
Picture Resource: Unsplash.com
Icons Used: Search from Google



You're Done (^_^)


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